Calculator, Arithmetic Percent


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Calculator is simple and nicely calculator app designed for Android devices for free.Designed for everyday calculation, arithmetic operations, calculate percentage.Download and try this useful app!UI DesignSimple and intuitive interface for easy to use.Beautiful display, large button, nicely elegant themes.
CalculationBasic arithmetic operations.+ ,-,×,÷
Useful memory is available.
Calculate percentage for tax, statistical, mathematic homeworkpercentage calculation example: 200 + 8% = 216 200 - 8% = 184 200 × 8% = 16 200 ÷ 8% = 2500
Also FeaturedUsefully backspace button to delete the last digit by digit.
Calculation history is saving. Make single tap the result line for copy to clipboard.That is so useful.
Calculating taxes, doing homework, and for your everyday.You can calculate basic calculation, percentage so easily.Download and try this useful app!